Prof. Lanza authored over 200 studies and reports in The Connecticut Economy: A University of Connecticut Quarterly Review during its 22-year publication history. Among his other selected publications:
“2024 Economic Outlook: An Uncommonly Ordinary Year?,” The Connecticut Economic Digest, Vol 29, Issue 1, 1-5, (2024).
“2023 Economic Outlook: Major Challenges After Year of Solid Growth,” The Connecticut Economic Digest, Vol 28, Issue 2, 1-5, (2023).
“2022 Economic Outlook: The Recovery Work Goes On,” The Connecticut Economic Digest, Vol 27, Issue 1, 1-5, (2022).
“2021 Economic Outlook: Problems, Yes, But Opportunities, Too,” The Connecticut Economic Digest, Vol. 26, Issue 1, 1-5, (2021).
“State Economic Impacts of the University of Connecticut,” with R. Lopez and M. Fallahi, A Report for the Office of Budget and Planning, University of Connecticut, Fall 2019.
“The Effect of Firearm Restrictions on Gun-Related Homicides Across U.S. States,” Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 21, Issue 13, 902-905, (2014).
“The Use of Eminent Domain for Economic Development in the Era of Kelo,” with T. Miceli, C. F. Sirmans, and M. Diop, Economic Development Quarterly, Vol. 24, No. 4, 352-362, (2013).
“Plumb the Brain Drain,” Connection: The New England Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 20, No. 1, 33-34, Summer 2005.